Every year, Dutch people buy an average of 50 new items of clothing. These garments are only worn 7 times on average! Major fashion chains release a new trendy collection every few weeks. And before the trend is even well settled it can already out of fashion. And that while the clothing industry has a huge impact on our planet and our fellow human beings. That should and can be done differently: “ReImagine”.
That’s why Reshare challenged 5 designers to create a capsule collection of 5 outfits, made entirely from non-rewearable textiles from their sorting center. In doing so, they have thought about how the future of the fashion industry should be redesigned. Hence the name: ReImagine.
Photography: Kirsten Busman
Models: Joy & Anwar by Diversity Model Agency
Make-up: Lotje Tempelman
Hair: Annet Schuit
1 collection, 5 designers, 100% circular: ReImagine Fashion
The fast fashion system can no longer survive. I try to lead by example, as a designer and as a consumer. If I can redesign the fashion industry, then all clothing has to be designed in a circular way. I also think that clothing should make you happy. Based on that, I chose the materials and designs for my ReImagine collection. The collection isn’t necessarily meant to be wearable during every day life, but it’s a statement to advocate for a happy and sustainable fashion future.
The collection was exhibited between 6 and 9 October 2022 during the Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week in the Sustainable Fashion Experience Centre. We are still looking for possible other locations to display (part of) the collection. Are you curious to find out what the other designers have made for this collection? You can check it out here.
ReImagine is a project of Leger des Heils ReShare in collaboration with Dutch Sustainable Fashion Week and Cloudfactory Creative Agency.
The original concept was created in collaboration with Mia Stik (Duurzaam Productie Atelier Mija), Hester Arends (stylist & art direction) en Maureen Riley (personal (clothing)stylist).
We are extra grateful for the help of the following parties in realizing ReImagine:
– Fashion for Good
– Wieland Textiles b.v.
– The Mannequin Giant